The menstrual cycle: how does it work?
It is because of the menstrual cycle that women can have children. It’s a cycle that lasts 28 days on average, sometimes a little longer or shorter depending on the woman. The menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period and ends the day before your next period.
It comprises 4 main phases:
1- Menstruation: blood flows ;
2- The follicular phase: just after menstruation;
3- Ovulation: the body produces an egg that will only be used if pregnancy sets in;
4- The luteal phase: also known as the premenstrual period.
Your menstrual cycle is magnificent, and each phase has its own energy and purpose. In fact, you even have a superpower at each stage of your cycle. Weerwi will teach you how to recognise them!
Source: Toubibadakar
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