
weerwi is a mobile application that will help you track your menstrual cycle so you can get to know yourself better (know what’s going on in your body) and live this phase to the full.

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Menstrual cycle

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There are currently 4 words in this directory beginning with the letter O.
Female hormone produced in the ovaries. It produces, for example, the physical and psychological changes in girls at puberty.
The ovaries are located in your lower abdomen, at each end of the uterus and are attached to the fallopian tubes. The ovaries are shaped like small eggs and make the eggs.
During each menstrual cycle, an egg is expelled from an ovary 14 days before menstruation - this is ovulation.
The ovum is tiny: it is produced by an ovary around once a month. It is this cell that can become a baby when it meets a sperm cell.

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