
weerwi is a mobile application that will help you track your menstrual cycle so you can get to know yourself better (know what’s going on in your body) and live this phase to the full.

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Menstrual cycle

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There are currently 3 words in this directory beginning with the letter P.
Premenstrual syndrome
All the signs that appear in the week before your period. These may include headaches, tender breasts, stomach or back pain, swelling of the lower abdomen and pimples. You may also feel tired, irritated or angry.
Female hormone used to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. It is produced by the body each cycle after ovulation.
Puberty is the time in your life when you go from being a child to an adult. Between the ages of 9 and 19, your body changes. You also start to think differently, noticing and feeling new things. This is completely normal and a good sign.

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