
weerwi is a mobile application that will help you track your menstrual cycle so you can get to know yourself better (know what’s going on in your body) and live this phase to the full.

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What is menopause?

Menopause is the stage in a woman’s life when her period stops. The menopause often occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, when a woman has not seen her period for at least 12 months. From then on, a woman can no longer have children. She moves on to another stage in her life.
Menopause is often perceived negatively, because it is accompanied by discomforts: hot flushes, sleep problems, vaginal dryness, changes in mood, questioning, sometimes irritability… You feel different and have new needs. It’s also a wonderful time of life when you can change and blossom completely.
In most cases, the menopause arrives gradually. Signs may include irregular menstruation or some of the symptoms listed above .
Acknowledging and talking about your emotions helps you get through this time. Sharing your experience with the women around you is comforting and helps you realise that you are not alone. It’s also an opportunity to exchange tips and plan activities with other women.

To make the most of this time of life, it’s important to listen to yourself and take care of yourself. It’s a perfectly normal time of change. Every woman goes through it. It’s a time to get to know yourself better!
Take good care of yourself and your body!

Sources : La Ménopause par ELSAN, Ménopause et périménopause par ameli.fr & le podcast de la Red School “How to know when you’re in menopause (Alexandra et Sjanie)