
weerwi is a mobile application that will help you track your menstrual cycle so you can get to know yourself better (know what’s going on in your body) and live this phase to the full.

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Which hygienic protections to choose to properly manage your period?

You just got your period, and you’re wondering what to do? Rest assured, there are different types of menstrual products and you will find the ones that suit you best.

Hygienic protection: what for?

Menstruation is all about the blood that flows from your vagina. For several days, you need a reliable way to absorb these bleedings. That’s what menstrual pads are for!

They allow you to feel comfortable, to go out, and to avoid staining your clothes.

Every woman has her preferences

There are several types of menstrual protections, and every woman has her preferences. Try several different ones, choose the ones you prefer and plan several for the day.

You have the choice between:

1- Disposable towels:

– they sit in your underwear, absorb blood and are thrown in the trash after use;

– they are available in several sizes and can be bought at the shop, pharmacy or supermarket;

– you need 1 or 2 packs for each period;

– you need to change them every 3/4 hours (remember to wash your hands every time).

2 – Washable towels:

– they sit in your pants, absorb the blood, and the fins are closed under the panties with the press-on buttons;

– they exist in several sizes depending on the amount of blood that flows;

– you need at least 3 per day so at least 6 in total, you need to change every 3/4 hours;

– after use, rinse your washable towel with cold water, wash it with soap, rinse it, dry it in the sun and store it in a clean place until your next period.

3 – Menstrual panties:

– they can be washed and reused;

– their center absorbs blood, and their exterior is impermeable (which avoids all leaks!);

– you need 3 to 6 to be able to change them regularly, wash and dry them;

– you can keep your panties on for several hours or overnight, but it is better to change them every 4 hours;

– after use, you can rinse it with cold water, wash it with soap, rinse it, dry it in the sun and store it in a clean place until your next period.

4 – Menstrual cup:

– it is a small cup of soft silicone that goes into the vagina to collect blood;

– only 1 is enough, and you can use it for 5 to 10 years;

– you need to remove it several times a day, empty it in the toilet and rinse it before putting it back in your vagina (remember to wash your hands before);

– between periods, put it in boiling water for 5 minutes to disinfect before first use

– you can use it with a panty liner if you wish;

– you may have trouble installing it at first, you need it clean, with water.

5 – Tampons:

– they are more expensive than towels, but some girls find them more comfortable;

– they are made of cotton, have the shape of a finger, and are sold with or without an applicator (tubes that help to put them in place);

– they go in the vagina, absorb blood and are thrown in the trash after use;

– there are several sizes depending on the amount of blood that flows;

– they must absolutely be changed every 4 hours (remember to wash your hands before and avoid using them at night), otherwise there is a risk of infection (toxic shock syndrome).

6 – Pieces of fabric:

– they absorb the blood from the period and reuse it;

– if you use them, choose only cotton, otherwise you may have irritation;

– they must be clean, folded in several thicknesses and placed in the panties;

– after use, you can rinse it with cold water, wash it with soap, rinse it, dry it in the sun and store it in a clean place until your next period.

– you need to change them often to avoid getting stained.

Remember to wash your hands before and after the change of protection.

You can use different menstrual protections depending on the time of your cycle or according to your program of the day.

You can find menstrual protections in pharmacies, on the Facebook page of Weerwi or call 77 853 43 45!

Source: Toubibadakar